Saturday, 2 July 2011

Embrace the Natural

For years all I wanted was poker straight hair. I spend fortunes on products that promised to reduce frizz and give me straight locks. I straightened my hair with my GHD til my hairdresser told me my hair would be so damaged if I did not stop she would have to cut it off.

Once I went to college laziness took over and i started just going about my day just blow drying my roots and throwing a bit of serum in my hair...without brushing my hair it turned out I had relatively manageable CURLY hair. I had spent so many years forcing my hair to be unnaturally straight I just assumed I had frizzy waves. 

Now my hair is once again strong and in good condition. I actually prefer my natural hair and rarely straighten it..but it took along time for me to embrace this look  I think it takes one to feel comfortable in who they are before they begin to feel more comfortable on the outside. Go team curl!

What could have been...

Isn't it funny how some people come into your life, no matter how briefly, and get you to thinking wow if circumstances had been different perhaps we could have had a great friendship/relationship. There is no point in pondering for a long time on this matter seeing as 99% of the time one cannot change the circumstances, but it seems worthy of note. I like to count myself lucky to have met these people at all.

I saw a phrase on the internet the other day claiming that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. I think this is relatively true. There are also weavers...people who come in and out of your life at different times. Whether these be people that you just happen to see all the time (sometimes seemingly everywhere!) or people that leave a bigger impact when you cross paths with them, I like to think theres a reason these people keep coming back into your life.

Friday, 1 July 2011

One foot in front of the other...

In the last year and a half I have taken up running. And only since running I've noticed that the running culture seems to have taken over. It seems everywhere you turn people are running and there are marathons on in most towns and villages. I wonder is this an American/celeb trend that has caught on but people could be addicted to worse things!
For a person who HATED exercise her whole life I have really taken to this running trend. Well, I think I thought I hated exercise. What I really hated was team sports, and growing up in a strong GAA community that was practically blasphemy. But in recent years walking, swimming and particularly running I have begun to enjoy. Now if I dont go running I actually miss it. WHo would have thought??

End of an era...(but excitement!)

Just received my results and will be graduating with a second first class honours degree...roll on 26th August :) Graduation will be a bittersweet time, the last big hurrah with all ones friends No matter how close people get over the years it is extremely hard to keep up contact with people and some relationships inevitably fall by the wayside. However those special few will always remain and with new communication technologies such as Facebook it is now much easier to keep in touch with people than years ago.

Return to the familiar

My mom just gave me a book she loved to read. I used to love reading, i was never NOT reading a book . Sometimes even reading two at a time. But I found since going to college and acquiring my laptop, books kind of fell to the wayside. The only time I would read was on holidays. Now that I'm finished college I feel and hope that perhaps I will once again always be picking up a book!


I recently watched a movie called the Romantics. It was a real indie intense love polygon movie. It followed a group of incestuous friends and their intertwined love lives in the run up to two of them getting married. The movie showcases strong performances from Anna Paquin, Katie Holmes and the ever yummy Josh Duhamel.

Hard as Nails

One of my latest obsessions is nail polish, nail art and all things colourful! I recently just ordered a big cheap nail art kit and my box of nail varnishs is ever increasing! Its cheap creative and fun.


So everyones talking about Wimbledon...I for one have no real interest in the tennis, so, instead in honour I watched the movie. It's one of those really great heart warming movies with really strong performances from the ver cute Paul Bettany and beautiful Kirstin Dunst. So for those of you fellow non-sporting types....its a great alternative!