Friday, 1 July 2011

One foot in front of the other...

In the last year and a half I have taken up running. And only since running I've noticed that the running culture seems to have taken over. It seems everywhere you turn people are running and there are marathons on in most towns and villages. I wonder is this an American/celeb trend that has caught on but people could be addicted to worse things!
For a person who HATED exercise her whole life I have really taken to this running trend. Well, I think I thought I hated exercise. What I really hated was team sports, and growing up in a strong GAA community that was practically blasphemy. But in recent years walking, swimming and particularly running I have begun to enjoy. Now if I dont go running I actually miss it. WHo would have thought??

1 comment:

  1. Limerick is crazy fit and running crazy. I can't believe I spent so long in UL and so little time in the Arena.
