Saturday 2 July 2011

Embrace the Natural

For years all I wanted was poker straight hair. I spend fortunes on products that promised to reduce frizz and give me straight locks. I straightened my hair with my GHD til my hairdresser told me my hair would be so damaged if I did not stop she would have to cut it off.

Once I went to college laziness took over and i started just going about my day just blow drying my roots and throwing a bit of serum in my hair...without brushing my hair it turned out I had relatively manageable CURLY hair. I had spent so many years forcing my hair to be unnaturally straight I just assumed I had frizzy waves. 

Now my hair is once again strong and in good condition. I actually prefer my natural hair and rarely straighten it..but it took along time for me to embrace this look  I think it takes one to feel comfortable in who they are before they begin to feel more comfortable on the outside. Go team curl!

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